Tony Jabbour

  • M.A. Applied Spiritual Psychology, B.Sc.
  • CHt. Certified Hypnotherapist
  • Pranic Healing®
  • Theta Healing DNA I & II
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques-Advanced
  • Biopulsar Biofeedback, Certified


In the last ten to twenty years, major advances in technology and discoveries of new techniques in Applied Psychology, Energy Psychology and Alternative Health Care, are creating miracles in personal healing. With these groundbreaking new technologies, personal challenges that used to take years to heal and change, now take just a few sessions with permanent results.

The biggest breakthrough is now we know that we can heal ourselves. Sometimes, and for many years, we carry mental and emotional burdens and scars that later manifest as poor health, strained relations with family and friends, paralyzing fears and unfulfilled hopes and dreams.

I can assist you in reclaiming your personal power and freedom by removing those burdens of fears, low self-esteem, obsessive negative thoughts, phobias, traumas, stress, addictions, negative beliefs and any issues that cause your suffering. I will also assist you in raising your levels of awareness of yourself and of your Life Mission. Wherever you are in your life, I will facilitate your moving forward to a better place Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually. It is never too late: You can be the master of your life and your destiny.

Keep an open mind to get outside of the box of traditional thoughts and beliefs, and be ready to expand and have Aha moments that will empower you and take you to new levels of Freedom and Joy.

Who You Are Makes a Difference in the World.

© 2025 Tony Jabbour. All Rights Reserved.