Tony Jabbour

  • M.A. Applied Spiritual Psychology, B.Sc.
  • CHt. Certified Hypnotherapist
  • Pranic Healing®
  • Theta Healing DNA I & II
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques-Advanced
  • Biopulsar Biofeedback, Certified


Tony, I love this guided mediation. It is done so nicely and your calming voice and relaxed presence really help me go deep. Thank you so much for this gift. I love these 28 minutes with Tony :)

Love and light,

Rachel Rife

Dear Tony,

I want to thank you from the depths of my heart for your constant, loving consciousness! You have worked miracles before my very eyes with someone I care for very much. What I've witnessed over the last few months with your work with my friend has astounded me. With unconditional love, patience and understanding, you have brought light and harmony into a situation that was incredibly difficult at times. When others would have reacted negatively, or simply walked away, you stayed. Grounded in harmony and love, your very presence is a deep comfort to all those around you. You inspire me everyday to stay in loving consciousness. Thank you Tony!

Ps. I'm positive you have a 'free ticket' to heaven for your loving altruism!


Dear Tony,

Thank you so much for all your support. The meditation sessions each week became quickly priority in my life. It is an important aspect I would like to explore deeper. I noticed how powerful it is in all areas of my life. I just keep coming back and will ask you my questions as you so generously offered to be of assistance.
Thank you seems not enough for the spiritual world you opened up for me.

Love and light,

Tiffany wrote:

Tony ur teachings and guidance have changed my life, one of the best gifts anyone has ever given to me.

Sheer metaphysical magic is how I would describe my sessions with Tony! No matter what emotional state I arrive in, no matter what issues I have encountered during the week, Tony dispels the charge and puts it in perspective with his lessons. By the time his guided meditation ends, I am so relaxed and centered that I often doubt my ability to drive home!

As the week progresses, I hear his voice in my head, reminding me of who I truly am. I have clarity about how to move forward in my life, with the confidence that comes from knowing the rules of practical spirituality as deciphered by Tony, my mentor and dear friend. "School is in session!"


- Shari Faerman -

I would like to take this opportunity to express my love and gratitude to Tony Jabbour.He is not only my Spiritual Teacher and Coach,He is also a true master and friend.Tony has Coached me threw a difficult time in my life, and he managed to heal me within months,when others tried with no results for the past twenty years.Tony has opened doors for me and I truely have a new balanced life.Tony has also helped my daughter deal with her boyfriends recent death.When all other counsiling failed,Tony was able to coach my daughter to understanding the death process and find healing and love again.I learn every day from this man, and i believe he has a gift for healing and helping souls find inner peace, love and understanding in their life.I am forever grateful to heaven for sending him my way.I love you Tony, and Thank you for everything.

Your Friend

Sharie Heisser

Where do I begin to describe how Tony has effected my life. I have been guided by Tony thru his meditations for five years. I have grown and expanded my energy to reach out and share my knowledge with other people. He is a gift to us to raise the conscious energy of the Universe.

Bernadette Cairns

Tony is a teacher of higher truth. He is able to connect with those of us that attend his evening meditation sessions and I am grateful for the guidance and direction that he has provided. Attending his sessions has been a tremendous help for me in holding a higher, more peaceful place each day and has enabled me to live in a more positive way

Craig Hamilton

I would so desire to add words of love, praise and thanks to you, my dear Tony Jabbour, Master of "More" Love, for the amazing contributions you have added to my soul's journey. Your gentle, joyful, loving and safe guidance has illuminated my path with so much MORE peace, clarity, love, joy and LIGHT! I have been a seeker of truth and spiritual principle most of my life, but this last year, under your influence, has elevated my spirit, excelarated my growth and freed me of so many false beliefs and bondage of past conditioning! You and the work we have done together have been my missing link. I now allow! More, More, More Love!! More, More, More Light!!! I AM SO MUCH MORE and I AM SO GRATEFUL for TONY JABBOUR! I love you!

Sherry Hursey

In July 2008 I had an hour session with Tony Jabbour. I had a very positive experience. I experienced a sense of positive energy and I also experienced releasing negative energy. I truly felt a sense of peace and harmony. When I reflect back on that meeting with Tony, I'm reminded that all my thoughts could follow with actions and choosing the peaceful path will help enlighten life challenges.

I have referred several close friends to Tony and I believe Tony will be someone I will know always. "A Spiritual Brother for Life."



I am writing you this letter to let you know how forever grateful I am for all the toolsyou have given me to enhance my life spiritually. The guided meditations have given me a new sense of inner peace and strength unlike anything I have ever experienced. I used to look outside myself for quick fixes to aid myself from pain I was experiencing in my body.

Through meditation, I am now able to go within myself and release the tensions that are affecting my body. You have taught me techniques such as E.F.T. and Quatum Touch Therapy which I have used for myself and my family member with great success. Your wisdom I apply to my daily life with great results. Instead of getting uptight and complain about situations, I now look to see the lessons that are there for me to look at. I feel that since I have been coming to your home for our meditation classes, I see the world with much more gratitude and beauty. These are priceless gifts. Your unconditional Love for humanity is endless. I have seen such great positive changes in my mom and sister since they have joined the group. I hope that one day your gifts will be exposed to people on a more global plateform. Tony you are such a great healer, teacher and friend. I want you to know that I am honored to have you as a friend and mentor.

Love & Light,

Kari Markowitz

While Tony Jabbour has spent a life time dedicated to both spiritual and intellectual pursuits, the most profound thing is to simply be in his presence. Tony is one of those rare, intuitive individuals who is so evolved and so connected to planes beyond the physical, that I feel myself being healed and my own vibration being raised by just being with him. I would encourage anyone to take advantage of the opportunity to know and work with Tony.

Jacquelyn Riggs

Dear Tony,

Thank you for helping improve and enlighten my families' life.

My mothers' entire outlook on life has changed. From a depressed parkinsons patient in an old age home, to an energenic, optimistic beacon for helping herself and others.The work with my wife has expanded her boundaries and brought us closer.

My time with you has brought about massive opening and self discovery for me. I thought I was in touch with my feelings before, but after working with you, my self awareness continues to open as well as my spirituality.

I highly recommend you to anyone who is ready to explore, appreciate, and heal themselves.

My Highest Regards,


I met Tony about 18 years ago. He actually was my boss. Our lives took a different path and just recently our paths crossed again. I have been going to his Thursday Night Meditation and I have learned a lot about myself. Every time I have gone the topic of the night always seems to be what I need to hear and reflect on. He has taught me how to look at everything in a different perspective and at the bigger picture. I want to thank you for making such a difference in my life.


Tony Jabbour is a teacher, a muse, a treasure of a human being. With his gentle and wise guidance and with much insight and work on my part, I find it amazing how the quality of my life has been infused with joy and contentment. He has truly been one of my life's blessing.

Ann R.

I joined Tony's group on Tuesday evenings and learned a great deal about spirituality. Tony orchestrated the evening by guiding us through meditations which relaxed your body and soul. Then we would have a discussion on different topics. I realized there is another world opening up to me. I also went to Tony for counseling because I was having panic attacks and was fearful of dying, not having enough money and through Tony's meditations and talks I realized I have choices and that fear is a waste of energy.

Tony is a caring, loving person and truly cares about people and their emotions and well being.


Tony Jabbour is a teacher, a muse, a treasure of a human being. With his gentle and wise guidance and with much insight and work on my part, I find it amazing how the quality of my life has been infused with joy and contentment. He has truly been one of my life's blessing.

Ann R.

To say that my life was in a state of flux, transition, crisis, or a challenge, was an understatement. I was going through a divorce, facing foreclosure of my home of 32 years, becoming a full-time single mother, starting a career from scratch, and facing financial devastation. With no family members to help me or to go home to, I felt very alone, afraid and terrified.

At first I did everything I could think of to improve and alleviate my situation. I kept hitting brick walls. Part of me wanted to die, but I would never desert my daughter. I was in a perpetual state of panic. It felt like this was the very survival of my daughter and me on this earth. My stomach had a constant pit, my breathing was labored, I either couldn't sleep, or I slept too much. I was fairly masterful at hiding it, but I didn't know how much longer I could hang on.

I was brought to Tony by the kindness of a very dear old friend. My life changed that night. I meditated, and with Tony's guidance, I went to a place beyond my daily, earthly troubles. I went to a very deep place of inner peace and joy. To tell you the truth, I was astounded. I have studied healing for 8 years, been through years of wonderful therapy, and have always been a very spiritual person.

Okay, so I walked away that night feeling amazingly transformed and empowered. But the astonishing thing is, it stuck. I felt like the heaviest weight of my life had been lifted. Tony has taught me tools to deal with feelings, thoughts and situations that have surfaced. The gratitude and love I feel is endless.

I know I am still a work in progress, but the internal transcendence I am experiencing, is helping and guiding me through my journey. I do have my ups and downs, but Tony has taught me to look through much more enlightened and wiser eyes. Tony is a gift, a blessing and a treasure in my life. I want to share him with everybody. But the selfish, unenlightened part of me, want to keep him the best kept secret in the world. (I told you I was a work in progress.)

If you are still reading my novel length story, you must be serious about your growth and healing. Tony Jabbour is always growing and expanding his knowledge and I feel immeasurable gratitude to have him as my teacher and my friend.

Love and blessings,

Lisa Harrison

A gift from GOD is my view of Tony Jabbour. I am on a divine spiritual path and my life has such joy and love , because of Tony's teachings and meditations. Tony has opened his home and heart for meditation over the last 5 years, to help me and others understand , Love is the source that binds us all to each other as well as GOD. I thank GOD every day for Tony , he is amazing and has a deep understanding of enlightenment. Tony is my inspiration to love myself and live in the light of GOD. love & joy.

Georgiana Specht

Tony is an amazing person. A very wise and loving soul. His meditations and discussions are very inspirational and uplifting.


Tony Jabbour is an amazing man, a wonderful therapist, and a light of true love and peace upon the earth.

I find Tony to be authentic in his unconditional love and giving. He has facilitated many gatherings I have been blessed to attend. I love how he gives out pearls of wisdom, that lead to self discovery and growth, that are so simple to understand and assimilate into my life.

I have sent my teenage daughter to Tony for a therapy session, and she came out of that session moved to place of deeper understanding of herself, and her place in the world.

Tony is also an amazing facilitator of meditation groups. He has the ability to set the space for transformational journeys into the psyche through sound, and guided imagery. I always leave his meditation group gatherings feeling deeply at peace, yet somewhat more awakened.

Thank you Tony for all that you give, unconditionally. We are all moving closer to a world of peace and harmony through your work!

Peace and blessings,

Marilyn J. Newman

Tony has been instrumental in my life. He has shown me a better way to believe in myself. He has explained to me how I can achieve a higher level of consciousness, and how to bring love into my life. He taught me how my limiting beliefs will create that in my life, and how I might change my way of thinking, to improve the quality of life that I would like to have. He is truly an example of someone with unconditional love. To me Tony is a light for the transformation of the Universe.

Karen Wayda

Tony Jabbour is an invaluable gift to this world. As a mentor, a healer and a good friend, he is fascilitating the growth in human consciousness. He has an amazing gift for communicating spiritual principles while helping people experience their highest potential. I especially appreciate his loving ability to share from his heart and his gentle voice as he guides me in meditation. Tony is truly a miracle and I am grateful to be a better person because of him.

Judy Nelson

I have found Tony's led meditations so useful, that I have driven over 50 miles round trip once a week just to attend a session.

Stephanie Vassallo

I have had the pleasure of observing Tony Jabbour provide his healing services to clients and I am extremely impressed with his vast knowledge and the variety of tools and techniques he utilizes in order to get the job done.

Jeff Gero, Ph.D.

I find Tony Jabbour to be a gifted meditation facilitator, group inquiry leader and practitioner of alternative healing modalities. He is always interested in the highest good for all involved and in ongoing self exploration and expansion of the tools he offers. As a Regular Guest on my webcast TV Show, The Naked Salon, Tony always came prepared and brought intelligent thoughtful questions and comments relevant to the topic being discussed. When I have needed assistance in gaining clarity and healing in my own life I have sought Tony's help. I would recommend him highly to anyone interested in personal growth and higher awareness.

Audrey Philpot

Tony Jabbour carries all the qualities of a genuine teacher/healer. He has a vast range of knowledge, a deep intuition and a huge compassionate heart! He is able to see and relate to his clients/ students on all four levels of body, mind, soul and spirit all at once.

Maggie Mellor E-RYT and Yoga Therapist

Tony's essence is one of unconditional love. He always gently guides me back to my soul where I remember who I really am.

Rhonda Z.

Hi Tony,

I miss you and my meditations and discussions with the group soooo much. I don't know if you realize this but I learned how to meditate with you. I am so much more productive at work, relaxed,focused and more centered after attending a group meeting . I am going to start adding the group meetings on my schedule and make them a priority! Your the BEST!!!!

Bonnie Kanner

Sr VP of Production Xoom Entertainment

Eco Dynamics Partner and Director of International Affairs

I have known Tony for many years now. He has always impressed me with his knowledge and his continous study.

When I was going through a deep emotional time I went to him, for guidence. He talked to me compassionately and then did EFT on me. He continually checked in with me to see how I was feeling. I was pretty emotionally freaked when I came and walked out feeling almost entirely healed. It was amazing what he could do in one session.

I still go to him for tune-ups. I value his friendship and support tremendously.

Chandra Gero

Tony's meditation was very helpful. He is an old wise soul.

I feel the lasting benefits of the meditation.

I am so grateful you brought me in at this critical time in my life.

Love and light,


Natasha Cooper, Power English Coach

Author of "Power English" System

NLP Master Practitioner


© 2025 Tony Jabbour. All Rights Reserved.